TVSC ASCA Relay Carnival Champion for Second Year in Row

Peter Smit

Free Crescendo Relay: Graduating Seniors Vinny and Bella, Colin (14), Juliana (12), Brendan (12), Kate (14), Alex (10) and Olivia (9)

Nassau Aquatic Center - Sunday - October 1, 2023 - TVSC swimmers successfully defended our title by winning 22 of the 34 events today, including the Medley and Freestyle crescendo relays to start and then finish the meet.  The support from our parents and the swimmers for their teammates was at times deafening as we surged to a 116 point margin of victory over a very well-coached and talented Team Suffolk team.  It was "All Gas, No Brakes!" start to finish.

10 & under boys and 15-18 girls won all their four relays.