Established in 1973, Three Village Swim Club (TVSC) is a prestigious year-round competitive swim team that provides high-quality professional coaching and technique instruction for individuals of all ages and abilities. Our primary objective is to offer each member the opportunity to enhance their swimming skills and achieve success at their respective level, whether they are beginners or aspiring international competitors.
Although TVSC is an independent club not directly associated with the Three Village School District, we utilize the Ward Melville High School indoor pool for our team practices. From September until Memorial Day, our practices take place in various locations, including the pools at Ward Melville High School, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook School, and Scraggy Hill Elementary School. After Memorial Day, our junior and senior teams transition to the Town of Brookhaven heated outdoor 50-meter pool in Holtsville Park, Holtsville, for their practice sessions.
At Three Village Swim Club, we prioritize the long-term development of our athletes, always emphasizing that school comes first. We believe that the commitment required in competitive swimming nurtures excellent time management and study skills among our swimmers, making them not only dedicated athletes but also accomplished students.
It is worth noting that two out of three graduating seniors from TVSC continue their swimming careers at the collegiate level. Many of our alumni have been recruited for their outstanding swimming and academic achievements, which is a testament to the success of our program. Every summer, TVSC alumni who are swimming in college return to train with our team and represent TVSC in summer meets.
Furthermore, a significant number of our senior team swimmers also participate in training and competitions for their high schools. Many go on to become lifeguards for Long Island state park beaches or the public pools and beaches operated by the Town of Brookhaven, further showcasing their dedication to aquatic pursuits beyond TVSC.
TVSC upholds the highest standards in the swimming community as part of the USA-Swimming organization, which governs over 5,000 swim clubs and boasts more than 300,000 members. Additionally, we are affiliated with the Metropolitan Local Swimming Committee (Metro LSC), the governing body for swim clubs in the New York City Metropolitan area.